Monday, March 13, 2023


Roesslerite is a rare mineral that belongs to the silicate mineral group. It was first discovered in 1901 in the Schneeberg mining district of Saxony, Germany, and was named after the German mineralogist, Friedrich Roessler.

Roesslerite has a chemical formula of Ca2Mn2+4Be4Si8O24(OH)4·3H2O, which indicates that it contains calcium, manganese, beryllium, silicon, oxygen, and water molecules. It typically occurs as tiny, elongated crystals that are transparent to translucent with a pale yellow to brownish color.

Roesslerite is found in hydrothermal veins and cavities within manganese-rich rocks. It is a relatively rare mineral and is only found in a few locations worldwide, including Germany, Russia, South Africa, and the United States.

Roesslerite has no significant industrial uses, but it is highly valued by mineral collectors due to its rarity and aesthetic properties.

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